Fixing an issue with data/metadata (30 minutes)
⚙️ Get set up
Pick someone to “drive” with a screen share. Please rotate this responsibility!
❤️🩹 Resolve any data/metadata issues with your group’s dataset
Review the information you gathered in the Data inspection with JupyterLab exercise. Develop a Jupyter Notebook to fix any issues that you discovered.
- Can the data be opened and viewed in QGIS?
- Is the CRS information correct?
- Is the data in an open and interoperable format?
- Is there a
value that needs to be encoded in the metadata?
If your chosen dataset has no issues to resolve, see the Finished early?
section below.
🗃️ Add the notebook to GitHub
Using the GitHub interface, add this notebook to your team’s repository. Give it a useful name!
⏱️ Finished early?
Please select one of the following data scenarios and develop a Jupyter Notebook to resolve the scenario.