❀️ Built on open-source tools

You may notice some rough edges in the workshop contents, for example tables of contents that don’t fit on the page. The website and slides are generated by open-source tools, some of which are undergoing rapid development (e.g. Quarto).

πŸ“œ Git

Manages workshop content and its history.

πŸ™ GitHub

Tools for developing in public and community interaction.

Because we iteratively developed all workshop content in GitHub, we had powerful review and feedback tools at our fingertips.

Workshop attendees also used GitHub to share deliverables.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions were configured to perform automated checks (spelling, considerate language) against our workshop materials and to trigger the Quarto build process whenever our default branch changed.

GitHub Pages

With GitHub Pages, we automatically published the output of Quarto builds by GitHub Actions to https://qgreenland-workshop-2023-researcher.github.io, ensuring our website was always up-to-date.

GitHub Discussions

GitHub Discussions was utilized by attendees to post introductions, ask for help, and record the outcomes of small group discussions.

πŸ‡² Markdown

Text format for representing workshop content.

🌐 Quarto

Markdown-based technical authoring tool which compiles our workshop content for publishing.

Quarto builds this website and all the content on it, including slide decks. Quarto supports computational elements, and these are handled by Jupyter. Compilation to various output formats (slides, websites, PDFs, ePubs, and much more) is handled by Pandoc.

Quarto is open source and owned by Posit, the makers of the RStudio IDE. Although the Quarto project is in early stages, the maintainers are doing a great job of engaging with the community and even quickly fixed some bugs we reported during the development of the workshop.

πŸ“ƒ Pandoc

Library for converting content between different formats.

πŸ“½οΈ RevealJS

Displays beautiful web slides.

πŸͺ Jupyter

An ecosystem for interactive computing.

Hands-on activities are supported by the CryoCloud JupyterHub.