Analyze your dataset

📈 Create an analysis narrative

Using a combination of Markdown and code cells in your notebook from the previous exercise, perform your analysis if possible. If your analysis is not possible at the current time, document why this is the case and jump to the fallback activity.

📝 Add a summary

In a final section of your notebook:

  • Tell us about what you learned.
  • Provide a brief overview of your analysis / ideas for future analysis with the dataset you chose.

🧠 Fallback activity: Make your dataset “QGreenland-friendly”

If the analysis is not currently possible, explain why this is the case in your Notebook, and what you would need to make it possible. Then, make your dataset as friendly as possible to usage with QGreenland:

  • Ensure dataset is in EPSG:3413 projection. This minimizes computation required to display the dataset by avoiding on-the-fly reprojection to the QGIS viewport’s projection.
  • Use the QGreenland “Greenland-focused boundary” layer to subset/clip the data (Reference/QGreenland boundaries in the QGreenland Layers Panel). This optimizes space used on disk by the new layer.
  • Make sure the data is GeoTIFF (if raster) or GeoPackage (if vector).
  • TODO: What about overviews, compression? Other?

Does your dataset display correctly alongside other data in QGreenland after these changes?

Analysis practice

TODO: consider additional data/analysis scenarios that groups can try if they have the time / do not have an analysis for their dataset.