Data Scenario: Vector data needs reprojection

Data transformation
File Name Modified
qgr_boundary_data.gpkg 8/2/23, 8:53:13 PM 8/2/23, 8:53:13 PM
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You can find this scenario in /home/jovyan/qgis-data/workshop-materials/content/exercises/data-scenarios/vector-needs-reprojection/

You want to re-use the QGreenland analysis area (represented by the Greenland-focused boundary layer in QGreenland) for a global analysis. Reproject that layer to EPSG:4326.


The output file should accurately represent the shape of the QGreenland boundary in EPSG:4326. Check to make sure it doesn’t intersect with Greenland!

The correctly reprojected boundary in yellow; incorrectly reprojected boundary in red

Intersection occurs in the incorrect reprojection because the original 4 points that made up the boundary were reprojected and connected by straight edges. In reality, the original edges would be curved in this projection. With more vertices, the curve can be approximated.