Arctic Observing Viewer Sites
The included arctic_data_collection_sites.gpkg was obtained from the Arctic Observing Viewer using the following command on 2023-05-12:
ogr2ogr arctic_data_collection_sites.gpkg "WFS:"
This on-disk dataset is only one option for accessing the data. Try accessing the data via WFS in QGIS for the most-up-to-date records.
Data Citation
Manley, W.F., Gaylord, A.G., Kassin, A., Cody, R., Vargas, S.A., Barba, M., Dover, M., Escarzaga, S., Habermann, T., Tweedie, C.E., Villarreal, S., and Whitty, N., 2018, Arctic Observing Viewer (AOV): Englewood, Colorado USA, CH2M HILL Polar Services. Digital Media.