These slides are supplementary material we did not have time to cover in the Geospatial data formats and metadata inspection slides!
The built-in help()
function provides a help page on the given object.
>>> import rasterio
>>> help(rasterio)
Help on package rasterio:
rasterio - Rasterio
rio (package)
class CRS(builtins.object)
| CRS(initialdata=None, **kwargs)
| A geographic or projected coordinate reference system.
| CRS objects may be created by passing PROJ parameters as keyword
| arguments to the standard constructor or by passing EPSG codes, PROJ
| mappings, PROJ strings, or WKT strings to the from_epsg, from_dict,
| from_string, or from_wkt static methods.
| Examples
| --------
| The from_dict method takes PROJ parameters as keyword arguments.
| >>> crs = CRS.from_dict(proj="aea")
| EPSG codes may be used with the from_epsg method.
| >>> crs = CRS.from_epsg(3005)
| The from_string method takes a variety of input.
| >>> crs = CRS.from_string("EPSG:3005")
| Methods defined here:
| __bool__(self, /)
| True if self else False
| __copy__(...)
| CRS.__copy__(self)
| __eq__(self, value, /)
| Return self==value.
| __ge__(self, value, /)
| Return self>=value.
| __getitem__(self, key, /)
| Return self[key].
| __getstate__(...)
| CRS.__getstate__(self)
| __gt__(self, value, /)
| Return self>value.
| __hash__(self, /)
| Return hash(self).
| __init__(...)
| Make a CRS from a PROJ dict or mapping.
| Parameters
| ----------
| initialdata : mapping, optional
| A dictionary or other mapping
| kwargs : mapping, optional
| Another mapping. Will be overlaid on the initialdata.
| Returns
| -------
| __iter__(self, /)
| Implement iter(self).
| __le__(self, value, /)
| Return self<=value.
| __len__(self, /)
| Return len(self).
| __lt__(self, value, /)
| Return self<value.
| __ne__(self, value, /)
| Return self!=value.
| __nonzero__ = __bool__(self, /)
| __reduce_cython__(...)
| CRS.__reduce_cython__(self)
| __repr__(self, /)
| Return repr(self).
| __setstate__(...)
| CRS.__setstate__(self, state)
| __setstate_cython__(...)
| CRS.__setstate_cython__(self, __pyx_state)
| __str__(self, /)
| Return str(self).
| get(...)
| CRS.get(self, item)
| items(...)
| CRS.items(self)
| to_authority(...)
| CRS.to_authority(self, confidence_threshold=70)
| Convert to the best match authority name and code.
| For a CRS created using an EPSG code, that same value is
| returned. For other CRS, including custom CRS, an attempt is
| made to match it to definitions in authority files. Matches
| with a confidence below the threshold are discarded.
| Parameters
| ----------
| confidence_threshold : int
| Percent match confidence threshold (0-100).
| Returns
| -------
| name : str
| Authority name.
| code : str
| Code from the authority file.
| or None
| to_dict(...)
| CRS.to_dict(self, projjson=False)
| Convert CRS to a PROJ dict.
| .. note:: If there is a corresponding EPSG code, it will be used
| when returning PROJ parameter dict.
| .. versionadded:: 1.3.0
| Parameters
| ----------
| projjson: bool, default=False
| If True, will convert to PROJ JSON dict (Requites GDAL 3.1+
| and PROJ 6.2+). If False, will convert to PROJ parameter
| dict.
| Returns
| -------
| dict
| to_epsg(...)
| CRS.to_epsg(self, confidence_threshold=70)
| Convert to the best match EPSG code.
| For a CRS created using an EPSG code, that same value is
| returned. For other CRS, including custom CRS, an attempt is
| made to match it to definitions in the EPSG authority file.
| Matches with a confidence below the threshold are discarded.
| Parameters
| ----------
| confidence_threshold : int
| Percent match confidence threshold (0-100).
| Returns
| -------
| int or None
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| to_proj4(...)
| CRS.to_proj4(self)
| Convert to a PROJ4 representation.
| Returns
| -------
| str
| to_string(...)
| CRS.to_string(self)
| Convert to a PROJ4 or WKT string.
| The output will be reduced as much as possible by attempting a
| match to CRS defined in authority files.
| Notes
| -----
| Mapping keys are tested against the ``all_proj_keys`` list.
| Values of ``True`` are omitted, leaving the key bare:
| {'no_defs': True} -> "+no_defs" and items where the value is
| otherwise not a str, int, or float are omitted.
| Returns
| -------
| str
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| to_wkt(...)
| CRS.to_wkt(self, morph_to_esri_dialect=False, version=None)
| Convert to a OGC WKT representation.
| .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 version
| Parameters
| ----------
| morph_to_esri_dialect : bool, optional
| Whether or not to morph to the Esri dialect of WKT Only
| applies to GDAL versions < 3. This parameter will be removed
| in a future version of rasterio.
| version : WktVersion or str, optional
| The version of the WKT output.
| Only works with GDAL 3+. Default is WKT1_GDAL.
| Returns
| -------
| str
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Static methods defined here:
| __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
| Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
| from_authority(...)
| CRS.from_authority(auth_name, code)
| Make a CRS from an authority name and code.
| .. versionadded:: 1.1.7
| Parameters
| ----------
| auth_name: str
| The name of the authority.
| code : int or str
| The code used by the authority.
| Returns
| -------
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| from_dict(...)
| CRS.from_dict(initialdata=None, **kwargs)
| Make a CRS from a dict of PROJ parameters or PROJ JSON.
| Parameters
| ----------
| initialdata : mapping, optional
| A dictionary or other mapping
| kwargs : mapping, optional
| Another mapping. Will be overlaid on the initialdata.
| Returns
| -------
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| from_epsg(...)
| CRS.from_epsg(code)
| Make a CRS from an EPSG code.
| Parameters
| ----------
| code : int or str
| An EPSG code. Strings will be converted to integers.
| Notes
| -----
| The input code is not validated against an EPSG database.
| Returns
| -------
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| from_proj4(...)
| CRS.from_proj4(proj)
| Make a CRS from a PROJ4 string.
| Parameters
| ----------
| proj : str
| A PROJ4 string like "+proj=longlat ..."
| Returns
| -------
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| from_string(...)
| CRS.from_string(value, morph_from_esri_dialect=False)
| Make a CRS from an EPSG, PROJ, or WKT string
| Parameters
| ----------
| value : str
| An EPSG, PROJ, or WKT string.
| morph_from_esri_dialect : bool, optional
| If True, items in the input using Esri's dialect of WKT
| will be replaced by OGC standard equivalents.
| Returns
| -------
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| from_user_input(...)
| CRS.from_user_input(value, morph_from_esri_dialect=False)
| Make a CRS from a variety of inputs.
| Parameters
| ----------
| value : object
| User input of many different kinds.
| morph_from_esri_dialect : bool, optional
| If True, items in the input using Esri's dialect of WKT
| will be replaced by OGC standard equivalents.
| Returns
| -------
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| from_wkt(...)
| CRS.from_wkt(wkt, morph_from_esri_dialect=False)
| Make a CRS from a WKT string.
| Parameters
| ----------
| wkt : str
| A WKT string.
| morph_from_esri_dialect : bool, optional
| If True, items in the input using Esri's dialect of WKT
| will be replaced by OGC standard equivalents.
| Returns
| -------
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| data
| A PROJ4 dict representation of the CRS.
| is_epsg_code
| Test if the CRS is defined by an EPSG code.
| Returns
| -------
| bool
| is_geographic
| Test if the CRS is a geographic coordinate reference system.
| Returns
| -------
| bool
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| is_projected
| Test if the CRS is a projected coordinate reference system.
| Returns
| -------
| bool
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| is_valid
| Test that the CRS is a geographic or projected CRS.
| Returns
| -------
| bool
| linear_units
| Get a short name for the linear units of the CRS.
| Returns
| -------
| units : str
| "m", "ft", etc.
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| linear_units_factor
| Get linear units and the conversion factor to meters of the CRS.
| Returns
| -------
| units : str
| "m", "ft", etc.
| factor : float
| Ratio of one unit to one meter.
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| units_factor
| Get units and the conversion factor of the CRS.
| Returns
| -------
| units : str
| "m", "ft", etc.
| factor : float
| Ratio of one unit to one radian if the CRS is geographic
| otherwise, it is to one meter.
| Raises
| ------
| CRSError
| wkt
| An OGC WKT representation of the CRS
| Returns
| -------
| str
class Env(builtins.object)
| Env(session=None, aws_unsigned=False, profile_name=None, session_class=<function Session.aws_or_dummy at 0x7f52e809e7a0>, **options)
| Abstraction for GDAL and AWS configuration
| The GDAL library is stateful: it has a registry of format drivers,
| an error stack, and dozens of configuration options.
| Rasterio's approach to working with GDAL is to wrap all the state
| up using a Python context manager (see PEP 343,
| When the context is
| entered GDAL drivers are registered, error handlers are
| configured, and configuration options are set. When the context
| is exited, drivers are removed from the registry and other
| configurations are removed.
| Example
| -------
| .. code-block:: python
| with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=128000000) as env:
| # All drivers are registered, GDAL's raster block cache
| # size is set to 128 MB.
| # Commence processing...
| ...
| # End of processing.
| # At this point, configuration options are set to their
| # previous (possible unset) values.
| A boto3 session or boto3 session constructor arguments
| `aws_access_key_id`, `aws_secret_access_key`, `aws_session_token`
| may be passed to Env's constructor. In the latter case, a session
| will be created as soon as needed. AWS credentials are configured
| for GDAL as needed.
| Methods defined here:
| __enter__(self)
| __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_val=None, exc_tb=None)
| __init__(self, session=None, aws_unsigned=False, profile_name=None, session_class=<function Session.aws_or_dummy at 0x7f52e809e7a0>, **options)
| Create a new GDAL/AWS environment.
| Note: this class is a context manager. GDAL isn't configured
| until the context is entered via `with rasterio.Env():`
| Parameters
| ----------
| session : optional
| A Session object.
| aws_unsigned : bool, optional
| Do not sign cloud requests.
| profile_name : str, optional
| A shared credentials profile name, as per boto3.
| session_class : Session, optional
| A sub-class of Session.
| **options : optional
| A mapping of GDAL configuration options, e.g.,
| Returns
| -------
| Env
| Notes
| -----
| We raise EnvError if the GDAL config options
| credentials are handled exclusively by boto3.
| Examples
| --------
| >>> with Env(CPL_DEBUG=True, CPL_CURL_VERBOSE=True):
| ... with"") as src:
| ... print(src.profile)
| For access to secured cloud resources, a Rasterio Session or a
| foreign session object may be passed to the constructor.
| >>> import boto3
| >>> from rasterio.session import AWSSession
| >>> boto3_session = boto3.Session(...)
| >>> with Env(AWSSession(boto3_session)):
| ... with"s3://mybucket/a.tif") as src:
| ... print(src.profile)
| credentialize(self)
| Get credentials and configure GDAL
| Note well: this method is a no-op if the GDAL environment
| already has credentials, unless session is not None.
| Returns
| -------
| None
| drivers(self)
| Return a mapping of registered drivers.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Class methods defined here:
| default_options() from builtins.type
| Default configuration options
| Parameters
| ----------
| None
| Returns
| -------
| dict
| from_defaults(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
| Create an environment with default config options
| Parameters
| ----------
| args : optional
| Positional arguments for Env()
| kwargs : optional
| Keyword arguments for Env()
| Returns
| -------
| Env
| Notes
| -----
| The items in kwargs will be overlaid on the default values.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
band(ds, bidx)
A dataset and one or more of its bands
ds: dataset object
An opened rasterio dataset object.
bidx: int or sequence of ints
Band number(s), index starting at 1.
open(fp, mode='r', driver=None, width=None, height=None, count=None, crs=None, transform=None, dtype=None, nodata=None, sharing=False, **kwargs)
Open a dataset for reading or writing.
The dataset may be located in a local file, in a resource located by
a URL, or contained within a stream of bytes.
In read ('r') or read/write ('r+') mode, no keyword arguments are
required: these attributes are supplied by the opened dataset.
In write ('w' or 'w+') mode, the driver, width, height, count, and dtype
keywords are strictly required.
fp : str, file object, PathLike object, FilePath, or MemoryFile
A filename or URL, a file object opened in binary ('rb') mode, a
Path object, or one of the rasterio classes that provides the
dataset-opening interface (has an open method that returns a
mode : str, optional
'r' (read, the default), 'r+' (read/write), 'w' (write), or
'w+' (write/read).
driver : str, optional
A short format driver name (e.g. "GTiff" or "JPEG") or a list of
such names (see GDAL docs at In 'w' or 'w+' modes
a single name is required. In 'r' or 'r+' modes the driver can
usually be omitted. Registered drivers will be tried
sequentially until a match is found. When multiple drivers are
available for a format such as JPEG2000, one of them can be
selected by using this keyword argument.
width : int, optional
The number of columns of the raster dataset. Required in 'w' or
'w+' modes, it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
height : int, optional
The number of rows of the raster dataset. Required in 'w' or
'w+' modes, it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
count : int, optional
The count of dataset bands. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is
ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
crs : str, dict, or CRS; optional
The coordinate reference system. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes,
it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
transform : Affine instance, optional
Affine transformation mapping the pixel space to geographic
space. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is ignored in 'r' or
'r+' modes.
dtype : str or numpy dtype
The data type for bands. For example: 'uint8' or
``rasterio.uint16``. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is
ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
nodata : int, float, or nan; optional
Defines the pixel value to be interpreted as not valid data.
Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+'
sharing : bool; optional
To reduce overhead and prevent programs from running out of file
descriptors, rasterio maintains a pool of shared low level
dataset handles. When `True` this function will use a shared
handle if one is available. Multithreaded programs must avoid
sharing and should set *sharing* to `False`.
kwargs : optional
These are passed to format drivers as directives for creating or
interpreting datasets. For example: in 'w' or 'w+' modes
a `tiled=True` keyword argument will direct the GeoTIFF format
driver to create a tiled, rather than striped, TIFF.
A ``DatasetReader`` or ``DatasetWriter`` object.
To open a GeoTIFF for reading using standard driver discovery and
no directives:
>>> import rasterio
>>> with'example.tif') as dataset:
... print(dataset.profile)
To open a JPEG2000 using only the JP2OpenJPEG driver:
>>> with
... 'example.jp2', driver='JP2OpenJPEG') as dataset:
... print(dataset.profile)
To create a new 8-band, 16-bit unsigned, tiled, and LZW-compressed
GeoTIFF with a global extent and 0.5 degree resolution:
>>> from rasterio.transform import from_origin
>>> with
... 'example.tif', 'w', driver='GTiff', dtype='uint16',
... width=720, height=360, count=8, crs='EPSG:4326',
... transform=from_origin(-180.0, 90.0, 0.5, 0.5),
... nodata=0, tiled=True, compress='lzw') as dataset:
... dataset.write(...)
pad(array, transform, pad_width, mode=None, **kwargs)
pad array and adjust affine transform matrix.
array: ndarray
Numpy ndarray, for best results a 2D array
transform: Affine transform
transform object mapping pixel space to coordinates
pad_width: int
number of pixels to pad array on all four
mode: str or function
define the method for determining padded values
(array, transform): tuple
Tuple of new array and affine transform
See numpy docs for details on mode and other kwargs:
__all__ = ['band', 'open', 'pad', 'Env', 'CRS']
__gdal_version__ = '3.6.3'
__geos_version__ = '3.11.2'
__proj_version__ = '9.1.1'
rio info --help
import rasterio; help(rasterio)
Python 3.11.0 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jan 14 2023, 12:27:40) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import rasterio
>>> ds ='bedmachine_bed.tif')
>>> ds.dtypes
>>> ds.nodata
>>> ds.shape
(21876, 14844)
>>> ds.close()
import xarray; help(xarray)
>>> import rioxarray
>>> import xarray as xra
>>> ds = xra.open_dataset('bedmachine_bed.tif')
>>> ds
Dimensions: (band: 1, x: 14844, y: 21876)
* band (band) int64 1
* x (x) float64 -9.979e+05 -9.978e+05 ... 1.228e+06 1.228e+06
* y (y) float64 -3.298e+05 -3.3e+05 ... -3.611e+06 -3.611e+06
mapping int64 ...
Data variables:
bed (band, y, x) float32 ...
TODO: Verify Fiona is in our JupyterHub environment.
Python 3.11.0 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jan 14 2023, 12:27:40) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import fiona
>>> ds ='populated_places.gpkg')
>>> ds.profile['crs']
>>> ds.profile['driver']
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(ds.profile['schema'])
{'geometry': 'Point',
'properties': {'Alternative placename': 'str',
'Authorized': 'str',
'Authorized date': 'str',
'Card': 'str',
'Danish': 'str',
<... trimmed to save space ...>
'Translation notes': 'str',
'label': 'str'}}
>>> ds.close()