QGreenland Researcher Workshop 2023
Symbology is critical to understanding data! Consider:
Jet and Rainbow are common, but “lie” about your data.
viscm, software used for analyzing colormap quality, was used to generate these images.
).Some high quality colormaps (e.g. Viridis, Cividis, Magma, Inferno, and Plasma), are built in, others need to be installed.
Settings > Style Manager > “+” button > Catalog: cpt-city
Add a style
List styles by author, then select cmocean
Adding “deep” colormap
Colormaps are important for symbolizing vectors as well as rasters, but vector data have some other unique concerns.
QGIS supports importing and exporting symbology choices as QML files.
QGIS supports importing and exporting a layer’s definition (symbology and pointer to the data ) as QLR files.
Particularly useful for layers that you want to share that are accessed via the internet (e.g., a WMS layer).
To create a QLR file, right-click on a layer in the Layers Panel, then select “Export > Save as Layer Definition File”.
To import a QLR file, use the Layer menu (“Layer > Add From Layer Definition File”)
20 minutes
20 minutes